What Should I Expect When Buying a Citrus Tree Online?

Even in 2020, the internet is not the first place most people go when looking to purchase a citrus tree. Concerns about the shipping process or tree quality are the main reasons that keep people from purchasing online.

At Backyard Citrus Trees, we strive to not only provide the highest quality trees, but also the highest quality shopping experience for our customers. In this post, we walk through everything you can expect when purchasing a tree from us.

Shipping & Unboxing

Trees are delicate, living specimens that require the utmost care when handling and shipping. That is why we do the following practices when preparing your trees for shipment:

  • Each tree is packaged in its own box to ensure trees do not damage each other during transit
  • Each box is reinforced with rigid corners to prevent damage due to handling during transit
  • Each tree has a plastic bag around the pot to keep soil from spilling during transit
  • Each tree is secured in its box to prevent any movement during transit
  • All orders are shipped so that they arrive within 2-4 days from the date of shipment, preventing damage due to prolonged transit times

All of these steps result in a clean, pristine tree that arrives at your doorstep in the same condition it left our nursery.

We ship all of our trees in tall, reinforced cardboard boxes. You will see multiple colored stickers on the outside of the box. If these stickers are upside-down, then your tree is upside-down as well. Keep these stickers in an upright position to ensure your tree is upright.

We recommend opening your boxes as soon as possible after receiving them. Following these steps will ensure your tree is removed from its box undamaged:

  1. Lay the box flat on the floor
  2. Open both ends of the box so that you see leaves on one end and the bottom of the pot on the other
  3. Open the box by separating the seam that runs down the length of the box
  4. Lift the tree out of the box, remove the plastic wrap and keep the tree in an upright position until transplanting

Variety Tag

Each tree that leaves our greenhouse has a variety tag that contains the following information:

  1. Variety name / Rootstock name - The name preceding the / is the scion, or variety that will produce fruit. This should correspond with the variety you purchased on our website and may contain additional letters or numbers on the tag. The name following the / is the rootstock, or variety that the scion bud was grafted onto. We choose only the highest quality rootstock varieties that are used by commercial growers in our industry.
  2. BCR # - While not every tag will contain this, the BCR number is used when reporting budding data to the state of Florida. We keep record of every tree that we bud to follow state regulations.
  3. Nursery registration # - This is our nursery registration number with the state of Florida

Tree Appearance

When your trees arrive, you can expect to see vibrant, green leaves that are not wilted. You may see white, powdery spots covering the leaves. These spots are completely harmless and are simply spray residue left over from the last spray prior to shipment. While you can remove the spots by gently rubbing the residue away, we suggest leaving it on the leaves as there may still be pest or nutritional benefits from the residue.

If you see any other issues after receiving your trees, such as damage to the branches or trunk or yellowing of the leaves, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can work with you on a solution.

Care & Planting

Check out our Citrus Tree Planting & Care Guide for more info on taking care of your citrus tree.


silvano copat - July 1, 2024

One year ago i bought a eureka tree, in that period i killed by overfertilizer it, now i have another coming from you, can you point me in the right direction with which fertilazer to buy and how to use it? T.Y.

Christel Stewart - April 15, 2024

It is prohibited by law to move citrus plants into a commercial citrus growing state (AL,FL, LA, TX, etc.) unless the plants have been grown in a USDA-approved exclusion structure.
Christel Stewart
State Plant Regulatory Official
Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries

Maria Delgado - March 1, 2024

I am thinking to buy 2 trees from you. A Lila Avocado and a dwarf Meyer tree. Can I go and pick them up or have to be delivered?

Wayne Rowlett - January 19, 2024

I’m interested in the Satsuma Mandarin. What is the best time of the year to order and plant this tree? I am in the Florida Panhandle near the Alabama line.

Dawn Goss - October 13, 2023

Hi. I just talked with someone on the phone and we got disconnected and I called right back but got a voicemail. My name is Dawn Goss and I was inquiring about 50 to 60 Keylime trees to give to employees as Christmas gifts in December. If you could give me your name (whomever I talked to) and specify how that would work I will share this info. Also what size truck bed or how many will fit in a long bed truck or would we need to rent an enclosed trailer? We can work on that end. My cell is 321-239-3844. Thanks.

Aurelia Alamariu - August 28, 2023

Three years ago I bought a Finger Lime (giant) tree from your company. This year the tree started producing fruit. Fruit is very small, about 1” long and 3/4” wide. Is this normal? I was under the impression that the fruit is much larger! Please, describe how the fruit should be. Thank you!

Henry - August 22, 2023

Greetings! Wanted to know if your Eureka Lemon Trees are of the organic variety?

Adam C - May 25, 2023

Excellent place to buy citrus trees, I have purchased 7 total, all arrived better than any trees at big box stores. All are in the ground with new growth, several covered in buds that smell great.
-Adam in Central Florida

Lynn - April 17, 2023

I also meant to ask what is the typical length after planting my Persian semi dwarf lime tree for it to bear fruit? Also, I went back and now understand that this specimen is self pollinating. Thank you.

Lynn - April 17, 2023

I purchased a lime tree that arrived in perfect condition and planting it in a pot today. I wanted to be sure it will pollinate and bear fruit with only one tree. I am new to this but thought it took more than one for pollination.

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